Serving and Giving

STEWARDSHIP – Every healthy church touches many lives with God’s love and healing, in ways visible and invisible. And the more people we have who are praying, present, and pledging, the stronger our church is, and the more God is able to work through us to transform us, and those around us. Pledge. All of us, being as generous as we’re able, ensure that this community not only “pays the bills,” but thrives now, and for generations to come.

Please visit our STEWARDSHIP PAGE to check out our newly added online pledge form and associated PayPal link.


DONATION – Donations help us overcome the difference between our future vision and our present reality. You can make a one-time donation or a recurring gift. Your gift will go to the area of greatest need. If you wish your gift to donation to be designated to a particular program or a specific cause,  please note your designation in the comments section of the form.

Please visit our DONATION PAGE to access the donation form and associated PayPal link.


Please consider using the Scrip fundraising program to add to our stewardship efforts. What’s it about? You buy Scrip gift cards for face value and St Peter’s – Trinity benefits with a precentage rebate. So, for example, a $25 gift card costs you $25, then you use them to shop for groceries, or give them as gifts, or buy gas, whatever. But they can raise hundreds of dollars for the church through shopping or gift giving that we were going to do anyway. With no additional cost to us, we can support God’s mission even more. With over 400 retailers to choose from, SCRIP offers tons of choices.

Use the Church Family Order Form ( .pdf ) to conveniently browse participating vendors and associated percentages you could earn for St. Peter’s – Trinity.

Visit to learn more, see the retailers, and purchase cards. Our church’s “enrollment code” is 558F56354L881



Every Sunday morning, our Worship is greatly glorified by the presence of our choir. During the school year, the choir meets on Wednesday evenings at 7:30 for rehearsal. Membership in the choir does not require any special musical ability or knowledge. To become a part of the choir, please speak with our Director of Music, Wendy Ruggeri.



In order to “Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness,” our Altar Guild prepares the sanctuary area for all our Worship Services. The Altar Guild is split up into teams so that the time commitment is only one week per month. For the major feasts, the Altar Guild meets together to polish the metal, arrange the flowers, and make the Church look extra special. To become a part of this ministry, please speak with Lillian Olmstead, Altar Guild Director.



Worship is literally “the work of the people.” It is not intended to be a “performance” by the clergy. Thus, lay people are intricately involved in many aspects of the Holy Eucharist.



The readings from the Bible, with the exception of the Gospel, are done by the Lectors. Anyone who wishes to be a part of this ministry is welcome. There is a schedule of lectors in the monthly newsletter.



If there are not enough clergy available, lay people can assist by administering the chalice during the Eucharist. Although there are only a limited number of people (based on the number of Sunday Services) who can be licensed by the Bishop, this ministry can be shared.



Young people in our Parish above grade 3 are welcome to serve at God’s Altar by becoming acolytes. The training for this ministry is usually done once a year, and is announced in the newsletter.



For those parishioners who are not able to attend Sunday Worship because of illness, one of our licensed Lay Eucharistic Ministers can bring Communion directly following the 10 AM Sunday Service.



Every day, some members of our Parish pray for the special needs of people. A prayer request is made through the clergy and passed on through the chain. The requests are always confidential. Unless otherwise stated, the prayer request will go on for one month. In this way, those who are sick, suffering, or afflicted in any way can be lifted up to God by name on a daily basis. New members of the Prayer Chain are always welcome by speaking with the clergy.



This special ministry helps to provide a full set of clothing to local children in need for the beginning of the school year. Our Parish usually sponsors children – from Thomaston and Plymouth. There is an annual drive during the summer months for this ministry.

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