St. Peter’s-Trinity Church started holding in-person worship on August 16, 2020
As our society learns more about how this virus spreads, there is strong evidence that we can adjust our behaviors and actions to minimize risk while maintaining some aspects of normalcy. Wearing masks, keeping 6 feet apart, and increased sanitizing of surfaces are powerful tools to help reduce the risk of infection: tools we can employ at St. Peter’s-Trinity to allow people back inside the church to feed their spiritual hunger for the worship space. Understanding, of course, that many parishioners feel unsafe being in a public place. With this in mind, the current remote service postings will continue to be available on the church website until the Coronavirus is no longer a threat to anyone.
There are certain aspects of traditional worship which are too risky to be considered acceptable at this time. Therefore, until it seems safe, the following restrictions will remain in place:
- MASKS must be worn at all times
- One service per Sunday (currently set at 10am, but may change in the future)
- No communion
- No contact between parishioners (Peace restricted to smiling and waving)
- No Choir
- No Sunday school
- No coffee hour
Steps have already been taken to prepare the worship space for people to use it. Certain pews have been cordoned off to ensure 6-8 feet of staggered seating throughout the church.
- The church doors will opened 15 minutes before worship begins
- Everyone will enter through the ramp door and leave through the main center door.
- No one will be allowed to enter from the back stairway (this entrance will be dedicated/restricted to the celebrant only)
- There will be an offering basket in a central location for those who wish to use their weekly offering envelopes
- Church bulletins will be handed out using gloves. Please keep your church bulletin for your personal use in the following weeks. You can also download and print your own church bulletin from our bulletin repository page.
- You can bring your own prayer book or bible for use during worship
Beginning of Service:
The Usher will unlock the side vestibule doors 15 minutes before service and start to greet guests, taking temperatures and handing out masks and programs as needed. The Usher reminds people to maintain social distance and to keep their program for next week. The Usher directs people toward empty areas of the church where they can sit. The Usher points out offering basket which will be located in a central location for people to place their offering if they choose.
Worship begins and proceeds with restrictions mentioned earlier. The breadth and scope of the Worship Service is still to be determined and may include “Phases” as we react to the evolving Coronavirus parameters. The conclusion of the service includes a reminder announcement concerning exit procedure.
Exit procedure:
Everyone is to remain in their pews until their turn to exit. Those in the back will exit first so that those in the front will be exiting past already emptied pews. Please exit promptly so as to not impede others. A brief fellowship in the parking lot (with masks and distance) is encouraged when weather permits.
After Service:
A cursory disinfecting wipe down of appropriate surfaces (pews, doorknobs, handrails) occurs. Keep in mind the space will be unused and empty for the entire week before the next service. Church doors are locked.
I may attend in the
future, but not at this time.